Contact Us
Get up with us today for information on wholesale or custom printing; and for questions, comments, concerns, and dirty limericks, contact Guttersnipe Press at:
Voicemail: 910.447.BIRD
MailMail: Guttersnipe Press, c/o Artworks Village, 200 Willard St, Wilmington, NC 28401
Choose your own adventure...
Everyday Greetings
The Just-Because, Anytime, Everyday, Frame It, Stick it on the Fridge Greeting Card...
Birthday Cards
Birthday-Schmirthday. One of a kind designs featuring Shakespeare, Karl Marx, Bidets and...
Romantic Cards
Get frisky with Guttersnipe Press! Romantic and Anti-Romantic Sentiments and Everyday Love!...
Holiday Cards
Hysterical Holiday Greetings from Guttersnipe Press! Handmade letterpress and locally printed for Christmas, Festivus,...